Thursday, February 7, 2008

Red state reality and dem mortality

Some interesting web comments on Egan's article on Obama Red State victories:

So why does a white, conservative “ditto-head” boomer male such as myself like Obama and will probably vote for him? Especially since he’s my second choice after Fred Thompson? For a few reasons. First, Obama seems like an honorable man. A throwback to the kind of libs a conservative could respect, like Scoop Jackson, Hubert Humphrey, Jack Kennedy, Harry Truman, et al. When the chips are down, Obama will do the right thing. Second, I really like his wife Michelle. Forthright and very intelligent. Not easily intimidated by anyone. A real lady. Traditional liberals aren’t a problem with me so much as corrupt politicians. McCain and the Clintons have had their snouts in the public trough far too long.

— Posted by Leon A Davis

Oh, don’t expect the Democrats to win. Deals will be cut in the smoke-filled back rooms, Hillary will be given the nomination that she feels so entitled to……..and that will in one stroke stop the enthusiasm of the newly re-energized party, and bring together the Republicans with their loathing of her (really both the Clintons), and in November, we’ll have “more of the same”: John McCain for President.

It’s a shame, An Obama nomination offers the Democrats a rare chance to both de-fang the Republicans, and energize the Democrats, and most importantly, to win; but instead, we’ll have more of the same: the Republicans governing for (at least) another 4 years…and by then, this country will be busted……more wars, more debt, more foreign policy brought to us by the lobbyists; the dollar sunk to new lows………and all those freedoms that our forefathers fought for……..gone.

— Posted by kevin

Thank you for posting this editorial. I live and caucused in Idaho, one of the reddest states in the country. This is the first time that I have felt participating in Idaho politics counts more that the one party Republican-dominated system it has been since 1980. This was first also the first time that all 44 Idaho counties participated in the Idaho democratic caucuses since 1980, since recently only 2/3 of all counties even held a democratic caucus. Last night, Obama supporters blew out Clinton supporters at the largest caucus in the nation at such a high margin that she did not have enough support to gain any delegates (in Ada County with ~8,300 democrat voters). Part of this is because our caucus date was earlier, on Super Tuesday. Most of this is because the grassroots organization in Idaho that started one year ago that culminated in the Obama visiting the most populous city in the state Boise on February 2, attracting 15,000 people in a large state that doesn’t even have 1.5 million people. Statewide, we voted for Obama 80% while Clinton only got 17% of the vote.

Why are democrat Idahoans so fervently attracted to Obama? He is equally matched with Clinton with experience, but he offers a different, newer message that promises to clean the White House of one of two political dynasties that have been the Prez or VP since 1980 (VP Bush, VP Bush, Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Bush). He has had good judgment with the issues he has dealt with and holds a high bar for political ethics. Edwards and Obama are also the only 2 top tier candidates that have not accepted PAC donations. However, the real reason for me is the underlying fear that a Clinton ticket in November will sweep the crippled Idaho democrats of the few political gains we have been able to make for the past 28 years. This is no small thing–in the 2006 gubernatorial race we had the 3rd contestent on the ballot being a man who had legally changed his middle name to “pro-life”–Marvin Pro-life Richardson. Also important, the Idaho state legislature did not pass day care standards in 2007 since “a women’s place is in the home” (quoted form a state legislator). For Idahoans, a vote for Obama yesterday was a vote for an inspiring, qualified candidate and an attempt to regain a two-party system in the state. Other people living in blue states or even purple states may think that what I am saying does not affect them, but it does. Obama is more likely to take purple and red states than Clinton–even if he doesn’t win most of them, this will put Republicans on defensive footing in states they haven’t had to spend money in to defend for decades. If Clinton were on the November ballot, the few democrat politicians in this state would be fighting for their political livelihood. This is why 70% of all Idaho’s democrat politicians endorsed Obama, most of them before the Iowa caucus. This is also why many politicians in other red states have also endorsed Obama. A Clinton on the ticket may yet get her into the White House, but I don’t think she would have a majority of democrats in the House and Senate like Obama could get. Real change is an inspiring leader who has a supportive House and Senate to push legislation through.

— Posted by Beth Colket

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Super Tuesday

Obama crushed Clinton in the middle of the country and in the West.

Look at these % margins for Obama:

Colorado 67 to 32

Idaho 79 to 17

Kansas 74 to 26

Minnesota 48 to 24

North Dakota 61 to 37

Utah 57 to 39

Alaska 75 to 25

Hillary won NY, MA, and CA, but these blue states will vote for whoever the Dem nominee is in November. The states that Obama won will clearly not support Hillary over McCain! ... Oh, and she did win Arizona, McCain's home state.